Litha Ritual 2012

Dragon’s Cauldron gathered at 5:00pm on June 23, 2012 to celebrate Litha.  Our intention was to celebrate and express our gratitude for the fullness of light and life.  

This ritual was different.  This was our first ritual where we had children participate in our celebrations.  Three families were able to bring their ten children, ranging in age from nine months to fifteen years.

To purify we did the good ‘ole Reclaiming-style Auric Car Wash.  Some of the kids enjoyed going through dancing like the Solid Gold Dancers.  We did a simple tree grounding encouraging us all to be the trees that surrounded us.  Then each of us stepped one-by-one into the center and said, “I am the God/dess (insert your name here).”  To which everyone else responded by saying, “Welcome (name), together we form a strong circle.”  Our circle was cast and we were between the worlds.

The children called in the directions by whistling bird song as turtle doves flew across the yard, shaking fiery fingers, squirting a bit of water across the circle, stomping to call the earth alive and swirling them all together in the center.

We invoked the Fairy Queen and King with offerings of cream and honey and with these words:

Over hill, over dale
Through brush, through brier
Over park, over pale
Through flood, through fire
We welcome the fairy queen
As she dews her orbs upon the green
The cowslips tall her pensioners be
In their gold coats spots you see
Those be rubies, fairy favors
In those freckles live their savours
Her charges seek some dewdrops here
And hang a pearl in every cowslips ear
Tonight we give thanks for the gifts of the sun
And remember a time when all the realms were one.

Now, until the break of day
Through this house each fairy stray
With this field-dew consecrate
Every fairy take his gait
And each several chamber bless
Through this palace, with sweet peace
Ever shall in safety rest
And the owner of it blest
And those fairies, that do run
By the triple Hecate’s team
From the presence of the sun
Following darkness like a dream
Now are frolic: not a mouse
Shall disturb this hallow’d house

Then the story was told:

There was a time long ago when we as humans could talk to all the beings in all the realms: rocks, plants, animals and the fairy folk.  We listened.  We shared gifts.  We worshiped together.  Over time, we humans lost that ability.  However, today we can invite the fae ones to help us open again to that power – the power of our ancestors and the ability to communicate amongst the many realms.  This is the way that we take our gifts and give them away.  This is the power of our ancestors: to take the gift, bless it, love it; and give it away.

Pine cone gifts being charged on our Litha altar in anticipation of participants taking them to give back to their home land-base.

Taking the gift of the pine cone, we said “Thank you,” to the tree.  We added our own energy by slathering on peanut butter and dosing the pine cones in birdseed.  Adding the decorated pine cones to our altar, we blessed them with our wishes.  Then we charged them with toning and singing The Give Away Song, written by Anne Hill for Circle Round and Sing:

We had a great barbeque.  Many special side dishes, and even s’mores, were made and eaten.  Although some of us went for straight chocolate!  The eldest and youngest participants blessed the meal.

As the fireflies began to emerge, we bid farewell to the Fairy Queen and King and burned sparklers while singing good-bye to the Elements.   We opened our circle with a fae inspired call and response:

Robin Hood, Robin Good,
Son of the Art, heart of the Art, 
All from air into air
Let the misty curtains part.
All is over, all is done;
What has been must now be gone;
What was done by ancient Art
Must merry meet
And merry part.

A lovely midsummer ritual was done and all the worlds have been changed.

Order of Service, 2012 Litha Ritual

Our Intention: To celebrate and express our gratitude for the fullness of light and life.

The Plan: Children are welcome at this ritual.  The kids will ground, cast the circle, and call the directions.

We will call the Fairy Queen and Fairy King.  Then one member will tell a story.

After the story, we will create gifts for wildlife by spreading peanut butter and bird seed on pine cones and other natural objects. We will gather these on the altar and raise energy by dancing around them, singing the Giving Song.

Let us take what we have been given 3x
Let us take it and give it away.

Let us bless what we have been given 3x
Let us bless it and give it away.

Let us hold what we have been given 3x
Let us hold it and give it away.

Let us love what we have been given 3x
Let us love it and give it away.

Let us take what we have been given 3x
Let us take it and give it away.

Once the altar objects have been charged, we will distribute some around the area. Some will be left for people to take home after the ritual.

We will prepare food on the BBQ and feast, with the oldest and the youngest among us blessing the food.

We will devoke and open the circle.

To bring: Some protein to cook on the grill (preferably something fairly quick and easy, like hot dogs/burgers/veggie hotdogs or burgers) and a side dish or dessert to share; bug spray; and lawn chairs.